TobyI am so proud of Shae, 10 years, and the experience we have had here at Chabad of Doylestown. It has truly exceeded all my expectations. For the last several years I had been struggling with how to provide the right kind of Jewish education for my children. Shae started asking questions about Judaism that quite frankly I did not know how to answer. A traditional synagogue setting wasn’t a good fit for many reasons. So I heard about this organization and spoke to Rabbi Prus. We came to high holiday family services and were immediately met with warmth and friendliness. The service truly engaged my children and from that day on it’s been a terrific experience. Next year my little guy, Jack, 7, will be starting. He actually asked if he could join Shae and go to Hebrew school. We are beyond excited.

- Toby G., CHS Parent


dalenWhen I first started Hebrew school, I didn’t know much about religion. Four years later, I can write and read and I know so much about Judaism and where my family comes from. As I get closer to my Bar Mitzvah, I start to think what it means to be a Jewish adult. What I think it’s really cool about Judaism is that there is always room for questions. The kids in my class are free to ask the Rabbi whatever they are wondering about and they will always receive an answer. Hebrew School has connected me to my culture too by letting me learn the language my ancestors spoke when they came to Israel from Libya in 1945. I’m thankful to Hebrew school for preparing me for my Bar Mitzvah and my life as a Jew.

- Dalen Casey, Age 12